(your brand shouldn’t be, either)

It’s time to uncover your signature brand story – and share it beautifully with the world – so you can stand out, make more, and fill your calendar with those full-bodied “Yes!” dream clients.

Is a lackluster brand giving you lackluster results?

If you’re like the other coaches & creatives that I’ve worked with recently, chances are you’re probably experiencing one of these problems. Which one sounds most like your current situation?

You’ve been in business for a while now, but when you have to send someone the link to your website, you cringe a little bit because you know that it isn’t reflective of you or the incredible business you’ve built.

You feel like your industry’s best kept secret and can’t quite seem to identify what sets you apart. You know you can help so many people — because of who you are & your unique journey — but you struggle to communicate your expertise clearly.

You’ve been so invested in your clients’ success that you’ve put your own brand in the backseat, and you now feel disconnected to (and misaligned with) how you show up online & where you want your business to go.

You’re ready to step into the next stage of your business, but no matter how much you put yourself out there, you feel like you’ve hit a glass ceiling and don’t know how to break through to the next level.

If that sounds like you, then you’re probably starting to notice some of these problems in your business…

Problems like:

✘ Wasting time refreshing your inbox waiting for those dream clients to reach out

✘ Making inconsistent sales month-to-month (or less revenue than your goals)

✘ Stumbling on every sales call or offer pitch when you share your pricing

✘ Burning out from the content creation hamster wheel

✘ Doubting yourself as you compare your business to a sea of competitors

✘ Stopping yourself from promoting your business loudly & proudly

But, what if you could create a magnetic brand story and visual identity that effortlessly attracts your dream clients and fully books your services, so that you could spend more time doing the thing you love (serving your people!)

Imagine what it would be like to have….

Clients that
light you up

Effortlessly filling your client slots to maximize your income (and as a result — your impact)

Confidence in promoting your expertise

From content that effectively sells who you are and your unique value you bring to the table

A beautiful personal brand

One that feels so aligned with your purpose, and that your audience absolutely adores (and can’t stop raving about)

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start building a brand that’s:


Designed to reach your unique goals and take you to your next level of success (and beyond).


Inspirational, true-to-you, and beautifully conveys your unique appeal.


Representing yourself in a way that attracts (and resonates on an emotional level with) your ideal clients.



In this 90-day, expansive brand coaching container, you’ll walk away with the following transformations:

A magnetic brand story that attracts.

Knowing where who you are, what you value, and what you can do intersects with your ideal client’s needs and desires is essential for building a brand story that cultivates loyal customers and a long-lasting community. In this coaching container, we’ll work together to discover who your perfect-fit client is and what they want and need to hear from you specifically to make them say “OMG - Where have you been all my life!?”

A unique selling point that’s irresistable.

As service-providers, owning what makes you different will help you carve out your place in a saturated industry so that you never feel like second-best again. We’ll go beyond surface-level and dig deep to discover what it is about you, your message, and your unique value – and how you can start sharing that with the people you serve. No other brand in this crowded online space, or in this world, has what you do. It’s time to use that to your advantage.

A beautiful visual identity that captivates.

If you’ve outgrown your initial branding – then your visual identity may no longer be an accurate representation of you, the quality of what you offer, and the value of your expertise. Your visual aesthetic is an outward expression of your internal brand story, and is what will draw your people in. Now it’s time to strategically craft a creative direction that effectively articulates your magic to the people you serve.

A confidence in your brand that’s unshakeable.

While a magnetic brand story, unique selling point, and beautiful visual identity are key in building a premium personal brand that attracts your dream clients — YOU are the magic ingredient that converts inquiries to clients. When you’re personally connected to (and confident in) what will bring value to your clients, you’ll find yourself flooded with inspiration and notice your limiting beliefs melt away. It’s from this energy of unshakeable confidence where you’ll be able to experience quantum leaps in your business and brand.

Don’t just take my word for it — here are some of the MANY results my clients have achieved so far:

“Working with Jessie gave me the inspiration and motivation to unlock areas in my brand where I have been stuck for so long!”

Our conversations truly connected the dots between so many of my scattered thoughts into one cohesive view on what I do, why I do it, and who I do it for. There are so many golden pieces of copy Jessie came up with that sum up my brand and who I want to be known as.


“I truly feel like I have the tools to confidently share my “why” and help me stand out in a crowded field!”

My brand was truly in its infancy before working with Jessie. But even so, she made the branding journey so enlightening, helpful and just fun! I truly feel like I have my brand's little black book for every decision moving forward!

No matter where you are at in your business journey, from true wide-eyed beginner to seasoned veteran, this program is beyond helpful to move forward with confidence.

Taylor Bonatus, Interior Designer

“If you’re thinking of working with Jessie, do it!! It is 100% worth it.

I have a much better understanding of what my offerings will be and how to easily transition into this new phase from my current business. I walked away with a clear mission for my brand, 2 niched down audiences, a launch strategy, and so much more.



My proven 3-step method to help you uncover your unique brand story – and share it beautifully with the world – so you can stand out, make more, and fill your calendar with those full-bodied “Yes!” dream clients.


Your purpose

A magnetic brand starts from within. The outward is merely a reflection of how you own your value and communicate it effectively. 


Your presence

Upgrade your visual identity to accurately reflect the intricate layers of your unique brand and start calling in your dream clients on autopilot.


Your path forward

All you need is the big-picture vision. I’ll show you the most strategic, authentic, and effective marketing path forward.

Here’s how it works:

12 45-minute brand
coaching calls

Where we’ll uncover your personal brand together from A-Z including: your big-picture vision, magnetic brand story, unique-selling proposition, creative direction, and marketing strategy.

Tried-and-true branding workbooks

In-between our group calls, you’ll have access to my signature branding workbooks, with exercises to help you dig deep, find clarity, and craft a brand that feels wildly YOU.

Unlimited private access between calls

You’ll be able to chat with me wherever, whenever, through Voxer. I’m here to support you to the fullest throughout this branding journey!

Your own Personal Brand Playbook

That solidifies the strategic direction for your brand (provided at the end of our time together).

As a founder, you get to build a brand that is a purposeful, tangible expression of who you uniquely are and what you uniquely stand for.


A premium brand starts with premium support.

Here’s the thing…

Every component of your personal brand identity should be working for you and helping you achieve your high-level business goals. But this isn’t always easy to ensure when you’re the one wearing all the hats in your business and managing all of the things that need to be done. Building your personal brand is challenging because your business is so close to home, which makes it hard to think objectively and see things clearly. Having an expert to bounce ideas off of, provide fresh perspectives, help shine light on areas needing your attention, and give you tailored advice to your unique situation can make all the difference.

As your strategic branding partner, I’ll guide you through how to develop your magnetic personal brand from start to finish while filtering every last component through your overarching vision to make sure it’s working in service of your bigger-picture and getting you the results (and impact!) you know you’re destined to have.

My branding approach is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about creating a brand that feels in total alignment with YOU. There are options for how you can do this in a way that feels right for you. With me by your side, you can say goodbye to feeling unaligned with your brand’s presence, and work through the roadblocks that are preventing you from proudly sharing your brand online.

Are you ready to stand out, attract your dream clients, and promote your business with confidence?

But this program is not for everyone…

This coaching experience is for you if…

You’re a coach, consultant, or creative service provider
You have an established business with validated offers
You’re looking to take your business to its next level of success (perhaps you’re considering pivoting, launching something new, or refining what you currently offer)
You’re a heart-centered, service-led entrepreneur with the desire to make an impact in your clients’ lives.
You’re ready to invest in high-level support to reach your goals!

This coaching experience is NOT for you if…

✘ You own a product-based business (this method is for service-based business owners)
✘ You don’t have an established business yet and have never worked with a client before
✘ Your sole motive for being an entrepreneur is to make money, and you have no interest in being authentic or making an impact
✘ You’re not in a position to invest in high-level support

  • Yes. This program is ideal for anyone going through a re-brand, brand pivot, starting a new brand, or wants to refresh their current brand to accurately reflect the level they’re playing at and improve their presence in the market.

  • Yes. This program is great for anyone going through a re-brand, brand pivot, starting a new brand, or wants to refresh their current branding to accurately reflect the level they’re playing at and improve their presence in the market. We’ll make sure to keep what you love (and is working for you!) and refine the other areas of your brand creative that need it.

  • You could! In fact, you probably have tried to.

    Building your personal brand is challenging because your business is so close to home, which makes it hard to think objectively and see things clearly. Having an expert to bounce ideas off of, provide fresh perspectives, help shine light on areas needing your attention, and give you tailored advice to your unique situation can make all the difference.

    By going through this program, with a dedicated brand strategist & coach by your side, you’ll end up saving time and resources on your branding – and also ensure that the brand you create gets the results you’re hoping for. You’ll be able to tap into the insight of an expert who knows your business inside & out in order to make sure your brand works for you.

  • This offer is meant to be accessible for the busy founders who don’t have much time, but as the brand owner, there will be some additional time required of you in-between our weekly calls for the most impactful results. But don’t worry! The exercises and workbooks shouldn’t take you more than 1-2 hours a week to complete.

AND If you’re all the way down here, maybe you still have questions…

Still have questions?

Submit your application, and I’ll reach out personally to schedule a no-pressure “Am I A Good Fit” call — I’m looking forward to speaking with you. 🤍